There is always much to achieve beyond the academics, if we wish to develop a holistic personality and to be a complete human being. It is our personal and professional potential that guides our beliefs that can discover the distant worlds and be a part of the global society. Education at Sattur KMT Vidhyalaya facilitates such occasions and opportunities where the desired environment is provided through field trips, and other outdoor activities like sports etc. Those add a sense of fun and relaxation on the one hand and promote the talent and personality on the other.
Every student at SKMTV undergoes a general fitness programme that includes yoga classes. The skill-set of each student is identified and nurtured, and students are given opportunities to excel, and join the school sports team. Apart from organizing inter-school and inter-house competitions, the school takes part in state and national level sports events. Our students also excel in marching and athletics.
The campus has provision for throw ball, badminton and facilities for athletics and track events. SKMTV has many sports facilities, which include Athletics, Badminton, Volleyball, Football, Handball Throw Ball, Martial Arts, Chess and Scrabble are some of the indoor and outdoor games that our students enjoy.
The Key feature of our sports training is sportsmanship and team work. Special instructors are present to teach, guide and personally ensure that the children master the sport under safe supervision.
Various sports are played within the school to give the students maximum opportunity to play organised & competitive games and to the essential qualities. Our students are actively involved in Inter-House, Inter-School, district and state level sports competitions round the year.
‘Sound mind in the sound body’ is the guiding principle at SKMTV. Sports are treated as an extension of the classroom where fair play, team spirit and sportsmanship are emphasized and celebrated.
All the students can choose any one from the list. Weekly classes are also given for Physical Education. Apart from these, two periods have been allotted on Fridays for Inter House Sports activities.