House System
The school is divided into three houses – Anbu, Aram, Arivu. The houses are the focus of many of the important educational activities which take place within the grades. They exist to promote a spirit of healthy competition in sporting and cultural activities. They also help to promote a sense of belonging to members of the school from different grades. Each house has House Mistress, a Captain, and Prefect.
Inter House Competitions (Academics, Literary & Sports) are conducted every month for all the Grades. (Grade 1 to 8)
Each house has ‘Teacher –In – charges’ to guide the students.
Points will be added for the winning House and the “Overall trophy” will be given to the House at the end of the year. Since teachers are also made as members of various Houses, the spirit is always high!
Student Council
SKMTV focuses to promote students in decision making roles. The intention is that student office bearers help in smooth running of the day to day co- curricular and sports activities of the school by assisting in supervision and overall execution of the activity. As a means to achieve this goal, the school has a 'Student Council' comprising of Head Boy, Head Girl, House Captains, Prefects and a Volunteer squad.